Wow it seems like we are getting more and more details every day about the finale.
Here is a filming update from a guard that was apparently on set for a couple of the last days of filming. Since they wish to remain anonymous we can not confirm this information is 100% correct.
However, behind the "Are You Sure" button is exactly what they sent us. The first few paragraphs setup the scene and the last one has some details of what took place.
NOTE: We are checking with our sources to try to cross reference some of the info and get a confirmation. Unfortunately with them having secret scenes and using different crews this might be difficult to confirm.
For day 1, they started setting up the building in the evening after closing time. They had everything all pre-made and they just trucked everything in and set it up within about 6 hours. On camera I'm sure it will look like a very large museum but in reality it is pretty small but they made it look very big by placing the exhibits strategically in combination with the extras (Day 2) they used before the actors showed up. The exhibits are supposed to have been made by children around the world and they are all visiting this museum on this day. It looks more like a science fair with all of these cardboard exhibits, it is supposed to be very amateurish and the exhibits are supposed to have been made by the kids attending the museum. This scene has nothing to do with the outdoor scene.
They did no filming on Night 1 and the people we were watching were just production designers and lighting people. The main lighting guy talked to me during his breaks and he said most of the crew had no idea about this scene and they had orders from "Los Angeles" to only use essential personnel and he would not even be on site for day 2. He said the creators of the show were coming to Hawaii for a few of the final days of shooting.
So day 2 is when all the magic happened. They had a large amount of extras for the early morning shoot but there were no actors on site. They were just filming kids and teachers and parents and museum personnel walking around the museum.They just filmed people pretending to talk to each other and in general I guess they just needed footage of a busy museum filled with kids. After a few hours they removed nearly all of the extras from the set. I spoke to a few of the extras and most of them had no idea they were participating in the Lost series finale (And I never told them what they were actually filming) and they were all very much kept in the dark.
A few of the extras tried to sneak back in but the Lost security guards were very good at restricting access. The Lost guards were outside the main doors and we were mandated to stay on the inside by the property management company to insure that they did not damage the building. When they started to film the uber secret stuff they completely gutted the room of nearly all of the crewmembers. Just the camera operators, sound dudes, and a few other people whose job I have no idea about. But within about 20 minutes they went from a crew of what seemed like well over thirty people to less than maybe 10 or 12 in just minutes.
And so the fun soon began. They brought in a group of about 30 little kids who in the scene are just walking around the museum with their classrooms, it's like a field trip type of thing for several different schools, Five or so of the children were actors while the others were just some of the extras from earlier in the day. The stuff they shot earlier in the day is just footage I think they will use to make it look like there are a shit ton of kids in the museum. Do you understand what type of scene this is? It is a bunch of kids from around the world attending this museum. They did not want to include scores and scores of kids in the scene with dialog so they used extras earlier in the day.
Now this is the part that gets interesting.
The actors who this scene is all about arrived on set about 20 minutes after the kids showed up. Now this is the point where I will tell you not to read any further if you do not want to know the details of what I am positive will be one of the last few scenes of the series. You will find this scene to be very familiar as they did something very similar just last year I believe.
Please do not read any further if you do not want to know.
We were asked to move to the other end of the facility to stay out of view of the cameras. This was just bullshit and they just wanted us as far away as possible from the scene. And when I say WE in this write up I am referring to the other property management guard who is just some old dude. They did not want us there but they understood that we were mandated to be there and if they gave us any shit we could walk their asses out the door.
There were a few minutes of silence. A few more kids arrived for the scene and then the big moment came. Two male actors came on set. Matthew Fox and Henry Ian Cusack.
In the scene they are talking amongst themselves and they are just observing a few kids in the background and Desmond was working on a crossword puzzle which everybody seemed to think would be very important. The scene revolves around Matthew Fox interacting with a young girl who is attending the museum with her classmates. Matthew Fox talks with her for about 45 seconds or maybe a minute and then in one series of takes the filmed him touching her shoulder as he says goodbye and then in the other seroes of takes he went to touch her shoulder but then pulled away and did not touch her shoulder. Desmond is watching from a distance and just looking over Jack. Jack looks back to Desmond but Desmond is gone. I think they will make it look like he just vanishes. Jack smiles at the girl and slowly exits the museum.
That was it. Nothing to crazy. I can't wait to see how they fit this into the finale.