Welcome to the Lost Rumours Section
This section of the contained all the various rumours and gossip that was submitted over the years. For each one we marked them as either True or Hoax depending on if the information turned out to be accurate.
Update: 3rd May I've spoken to a couple of my sources who have read the scripts and they have confirmed that these are 100% accurate and real.
Thanks to LPFreak64 for ordering the call sheet by scenes
12 INT POLICE STATION/LOCKER ROOM Sawyer looking into the broken mirror
52 INT ALCOVE/TOP OF WATERFALL***DRY*** Ground rumbles, time to say goodbye. Locke walks out
53pt EXT WATERFALL Jack & Locke lower Des on rope; Talk about John Locke; rope goes slack
54 EXT WATERFALL We look up at Jack & Locke as they lean over to look down
59pt EXT WATERFALL Wet Desmond at bottom of falls, untying rope. Waterfall stops.
A06pt EXT TOP OF WATERFALL***DRY*** Jack & Locke react to light going out
102pt INT ALCOVE/TOP OF WATERFALL***DRY*** Jack looks over the edge, pulls on empty rope, No Desmond
131pt INT ALCOVE Hurley checks height of water
A143pt INT ALCOVE/TOP OF WATERFALL***DRY*** Hurley & Ben lower Jack down as earth rumbles
143pt INT CAVERN/STEAM Jack w/ rope around his waist, drops last 10 feet at bottom of waterfall
143, 145& INT CAVERN/STEAM 146 Jack finds Desmond unconscious; puts the rock over hole
154PT INT PLANE Over Sawyer as he looks out the plane window
156 INT CAVERN/WATER Jack in Hell; light returns; water starts to trickle.
B157 INT CAVERN/WATER Jack in pond; nose bleeds; Desmond ascends
D157 INT CAVERN/WATER Jack consumed by the light & water
A157pt INT ALCOVE/TOP OF WATERFALL Ben & Hurley pull on rope
C157pt INT ALCOVE/TOP OF WATERFALL Ben & Hurley pull Desmond up. Hurley yells for Jack
EPILOUGE? ------------ EP615 INT CAVERN MIB inside the cave; falls over water's edge into sinkhole
Update: 20:00 It's seeming more likely that this is authentic according to one of my sources, although they don't have the script infront of them until tomorrow when they will double-check it for us.
Update: 15:15 There is also an updated call sheet (see below) which makes me believe these pages are real. Hopefully I'll get 100% confirmation on Monday when my sources get to read the emails I've sent them.
Thanks to the 100's of you who have sent this in today from an Italian site that claims these are from the Series Finale.
I've sent these to my contacts who has read the scripts and will update when I get a reply.
Obviously if these are real they are pretty big spoilers.